How did we get here? What were the major transformations in human history that created our world? What impacts have…
Our early human ancestors were great travelers moving across great distances over many generations and thousands of years. Our more…
Trees, through their biology, meaning and uses, create an arc of understanding that spans what it means to be human….
Convergence research focuses on addressing complex problems in science, engineering, and society. Today’s and tomorrow’s grand challenges will not be…
This course explores the complex relationship between art, war, and conflict. We will consider the tensions between glorifying war and…
Whether it’s cute animal cams or frightening visualizations of climate change, pictures of nature are both ubiquitous and powerful. This…
Alice Walker wrote “Time moves slowly, but passes quickly”. Tennessee Williams wrote, “Time is the longest distance between two places”….
What does it mean to be both racially Black and ethnically Latino in the U.S.? This course will look at…
Examines how the East is constructed as the Orient in different historical periods: 19th-century European colonialism, 1950s to 1960s Hollywood…
What can the study of the Black family in U.S. history and culture tell us about the past and about…