Dr. Elyse Crystall has been teaching courses on visual literacy – including graphic novels, comics, and film – and topics such as racism, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia; (im)migration and borders; race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality, and nationality; memory and trauma; and conquest, imperialism, colonialism, and empire for 25 years. Her role as the coordinator of social justice concentration for the English undergraduate major links to her commitment to social justice issues; her understanding of the critical importance of historical context; and her belief that race, ethnicity, class, gender, nationality, sexuality, among others, are both identity categories and social locations that shape how we see the world — and how the world sees us. Nothing is more gratifying to Dr. Crystall than when a group of students, an instructor, the texts assigned in the course, and the world outside the classroom work together to create meaning — new possibilities, new questions, and new ways of seeing.