Mechanics of particles and rigid bodies. Newton’s laws; mechanical and potential energy; mechanical conservation laws; frame-dependence of physical laws; Einstein’s…
Provides an introduction to the structure and function of the nervous system. Fundamental principles will be introduced including nervous system…
Provides an introduction to the structure and function of the nervous system. Fundamental principles will be introduced including nervous system…
The course is the second in a two-semester sequence. See also CHEM 101. Solutions, thermochemical changes including conservation of energy,…
The first course in a two-semester sequence. See also CHEM 102. Atomic and molecular structure, intermolecular forces, stoichiometry and conservation…
Mechanics of particles and rigid bodies. Newton’s laws; mechanical and potential energy; mechanical conservation laws; frame-dependence of physical laws; Einstein’s…
Mechanics of particles and rigid bodies. Newton’s laws; mechanical and potential energy; mechanical conservation laws; frame-dependence of physical laws; Einstein’s…
PSYC 101 is a prerequisite for all psychology courses. A survey of major principles of psychology and an introduction to…
PSYC 101 is a prerequisite for all psychology courses. A survey of major principles of psychology and an introduction to…
This course teaches critical concepts and skills in computer programming and statistical inference, in conjunction with hands-on analysis of real-world…