Reflection and Integration
Put your learning into action! This is where you will get your hands dirty – by conducting original research, studying abroad, pursing an internship, volunteering in the community, or creating an original piece of art. You will also participate in the vibrant intellectual life of the university taking place outside the classroom by attending performances, art exhibits, lectures, workshops, and debates. By applying your skills concretely and immersing yourself in a hands-on learning experience of your own design, you will build confidence as a leader, scholar, and citizen.
“For undergraduates who are not sure what to major in, Triple-I courses may spark their interest in different majors and careers.”
Arne Kalleberg
Instructor of “Understanding Health and Happiness”
Course Requirements
Requirement | Credits | Gen Ed Attribute |
Research & Discovery | 1 to 3 | RESEARCH |
High-Impact Experience Study Abroad Internship Service Learning Performance Undergraduate Learning Assistant COIL | 1 to 3 | HI-ABROAD HI-INTERN HI-SERVICE HI-PERFORM HI-LEARNTA HI-COIL |
Lifetime Fitness | 1 | LIFE-FIT |
Communication Beyond Carolina | 3 | COMMBEYOND |
Campus Life experience |
Some courses in this category may double count with: