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College Thriving


College Thriving empowers all students to participate fully in the opportunities of a research university and find resources to support them in their educational pursuits at Carolina. The course enhances and provides new tools to support students’ ability to study systematically, learn deeply, and monitor and foster their own well-being.

The curriculum will cover a wide range of topics including science-based strategies for effective learning, engaging with the campus community, self-care, and wellness. This is a one (1) credit hour, pass/fail course that meets weekly in a small class environment.

Learning Outcomes

These are the learning outcomes that are expected of students after completing a course.


Increase and appreciate the significance of self-awareness.


Value a liberal arts education.


Set goals, plan, and reflect upon learning using aspects of using learning science: metacognition, self-regulated learning, and motivation.


Describe academic strategies, policies, and pathways and their link to resources such as academic advising and career services.


Reflect on the science of thriving: positive emotion, engagement, meaning, healthy relationships, resilience, stress, and other aspects of well-being.


Demonstrate mastery of basic mental health, drug and alcohol, and sexual wellness practices.


“This course helped to open my eyes to campus life and give me a kick start into what I need to do to be successful at UNC.”

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